Saturday, 2 April 2016

Seminars/Conferences/Invited Talks 

1 National Seminar on Children’s Literature. Dhvanyaloka
Mysore, November 1997.

2. International Seminar-cum-workshop on Translating Alien Cultures. CIEFL, 16-20 March 1998.

3. National Seminar on Travel Writing and the Empire. University of Hyderabad. 20-22 March 1998.

4.UGC National Seminar on The World of Subalterns in Mahasweta Devi’s Writings. Kakatiya University, Warangal 28-29 March 1998.

5. National Workshop on Nationalism and Narrative DiscourseM. S. University, Baroda. 8-11 October 1998.

*6.National Seminar on The Compulsions and Possibilities of General English: National Policy and Classroom Practice. M. S. University Baroda. 19-21 November 1998.

7. International Conference on Postcolonialism and the Discourse of  Marginality. Gopalpur on Sea 18-19 December 1998.

8. International Seminar on Interdisciplinary Crossings:The Question of Modernity. M. S. University,
Baroda 1-3 January 1999.

9. Seminar on Translating Life. Centre for Translation and Interpretation. CIEFL, 25-28 October 1999.

10. International Conference on Theory at the End  of the Millennium, Vidya Bhawan  Rural Institute,  Udaipur. 16-18 December,1999.

11. National Workshop on the Politics of Representation: Visual and Verbal. M.S. Univeristiy , Baroda. 19-21 October 2000.

12.International Conference of MELUS-India Chapter. Indo-American Centre for International Studies, Hyderabad. 8-10 January, 2000

13. International Conference: The Future of Tradition. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Marathwada University. Aurangabad 15-18 December, 2000.

14. National Symposium on New directions in English Studies in India 14-16 February, 2001

15. National Seminar on Tribal Languages in India. Centre for Advanced Study in Linguistics. Osmania  University. 16-17 February, 2001

16. Translating a Nation: An Indo-Russian Saga International Seminar on Translation. CiEFL, Hyderabad 24-26th December 2001.

17. The  III MELUS Conference-India Chapter 3-5th Indo- Amerian Centre for International Studies January,2002.

18. National Seminar on Exploring Anglo-indian Fiction qua History 1-32 March 2002, Dept. of English University of Hyderabad.

19. UGC Refresher Course in English IACIS, Hyderabad March2002.

20. National Seminar on Teaching of English at the Primary Level. 3-4 ,February,2003.CIEFL, Hyderabad.

21. UGC National  Conference on New Direction for Language and Literature Studies. Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. 28-29 Nov.2003.

22. MELUS-India, IV International Conference. IACIS, Hyderabad.  2-5 January,2004.

23.All India Seminar on English Language and the Young Learner.”Regional Institute of English, SI, Bangalore 19-21July 2004.

24.Nation and Imagination: ACLALS  International Conference. Hyderabad 4-9 August 2004.

25.*International Seminar on Effective Language Management  in SAARC Countries. 14-15 October 2004.

26.National Workshop on  Human Sciences in the Age of Technology.” M.S. University of Baroda  6-9 November 2004.

27.  National Seminar on Mass Media and the Challenges of 21st Century. CIEFL,  North East Campus. 21-22 February2005.

28.   Language, Literature and Pedagogy. Dept.  of English. University of Hyderabad.  1-3 November 2006.

29. National Seminar on English through Satellites. Regional Institute of English. Bangalore. 15-17 November 2007.

30. Symposium on Importance of English in the Context of Globalization . English Teachers Forum. 29-09-2007. EFL –U, Hyderabad.

31.  Second International and 38th  Annual ELTAI Conference, Chennai. 9-10 February 2007.

32.  International Workshop on Academic Publishing in ESL, EFLU, Hyderabad. 2-5 January 2008.

33. International conference on Indigenous  Peoples in the Post-Colonial World.” 2-5 January 2008

34. International conference on Comparative Literature. University of  Hyderabad and EFLU, 
Hyderabad. 26-28 February 2009.

35. National Seminar on Indian Writing in English.  Dept. of English. University of Pune. 25-27 January 2009

36. National Seminar on ELT Methods and Materials: ow Ccan Make How can We Make Them Interesting?”UNIVERSITY OF HYDERABAD 3-4 March 2009.

37. National Seminar on Phonetics and Spoken English. Dept. of English.   Universi ty  of Hyderabad- 500 605. 30-31st October 2009

38. National Seminar on Bridging the Gap between  Teaching and Learning, School of English Language Education. EFL University,  Hyderabad. November 2009.

39.  International Conference on Challenges of s of Ethnicity: The Local and the Global. OUCIP, Hyderabad. 25-27 November 2009.

40. National Conference  of IACLALS on Connecting  Global with the Local. DDCE, Utkal UniversityBhubaneswar. 4-6 Janauary   2010.

Paper: “From Gonda Baja to Sambalpuri Album: A Story of Internal Colonization.”

41. National Seminar on Approaches to Translation: Indian and South Asian Perspectives. Dept. of English, University of Hyderabad. 8-9 March 2010. 41. National Seminar on Theorizing the Margins and the Other. Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Hyderabad. 17-19 February,2010.
Paper:” Performative Traditions of the Gondas of Western Orissa. “

42. National Seminar on Re-Reading Sri Aurobindo. Dept. of English, University of Pondicherry. Pondicherry. 4-5 March 2010. Paper: Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri: A Symbol of the Search for the  Soul.”

43. National Seminar on Translation. Dept. of English. University of Hyderabad. 8-9  March 2010.

44.  National Workshop for Leaders for  Strengthening  ELTAI Chapters.  18-19 April  2010.

45.  5th International and 41st Annual ELTAI Conference.5-7th August 2010

46. National Conference on the Folk in Literature. IGNOU, New Delhi.  30-31st September 2010

47. 4th Conference  on Convergence of Science and Spirituality  for World Renewal.” Prajapita Brahmakumaris  Ishwariya Vishwa  Vidyalaya. Mt. Abu   4th-7th September 2010.

49. International Conference on Global Translation. University of Delhi. 11-12 September 2010.

50. Understanding Social Exclusions. Hyderabad:  English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad  29th October 2010.

51.  Three Day International  Conference on English in the Dalit Contexts. Department of English . University of Hyderabad. January 18-20,2011. Paper: “English Language Education in Dalit Contexts: A   Case of the Gonda Learners.”

52.  International Conference on Teachers’ Development.  22-24 January 2011.
Workshop: “Lo(k)calizing Materials: Folklore for English Language Education.”

53. Two Day National Workshop on Materials Production for the Teaching of English to Disadvantaged Students. Dept. of English University of Hyderabad. 14th and 15th February, 2011.
Paper:  “Developing Strategies to Cope with Academic Disparities.”

54. Teaching English in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Directions. Regional Seminar,  G. Narayanamma  Institute of Technology. Hyderabad.27-28 February 2011.
Paper: “ Developing Emotional  Intelligence of Learners along with Language Skills”

55. 6th International and 42nd Annual ELTAI Conference. 16-18 June 2011. VIT University, Vellore.
Featured Paper: “ English (Language ) Education for All and Teacher Development.”

56. International Workshop on “Tasks Development in the Climate of Constraints” 8th November 2011.  Dept. of materials Development EFL University Hyderabad.

57.  Fourteenth International Conference on Transcending Disciplinary Decadence, Exploring Challenges of Teaching, Scholarsip, and Research in the Humanities and the Social Sciences. IIS University, Mansarovar, Jaipur 18-21 December 2011.
Paper: “Folklore and Critical Thinking.”

58. Chotro International Conference on Imagining the Intangible: Languages, Literature and Visuals Arts of the Indigenous 6-8January 2012. Bhasha Research and Publication Centre, Baroda.
Paper “ Situating English Language Education in Indigenous Contexts: Problems of Tribal Learners in Learning English.”

59. National Seminar on English Language  Education in India: Theory and Practice. University of Hyderabad. 23-25 January 2012.

60. National Seminar on  Interrogating the New Worlds of English: English Language Education in the 21st Century. Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner. 24-25th February 2012.

61. “Folklore in English Studies” A talk for Refresher Course in English. Academic Staff College, University of Hyderabad. 2March 2012.

62.International Conference of Teacher Education. EFL University, Hyderabad. 2-5th March 2012.
Paper: “From Standardized Test to Multiple Assessments”

63. 7th International and 43rd Annual ELTAI  Conference on The English Classroom: Experiments and Experiences. Velamal Engineering College Chennai. 19-21st July 2012.  
Paper: “How to Write an Assignment?”

64.A One Day Workshop on “Prescribed Text and the Teacher: Problems and Possibilities.” G.Narayanamma  Institute of Technology and Science for Women. Shaikhpet, Hyderabad
1st September 2012.

65.XV International Conference  on Media and Utopia: Imagination, History , Technology. Allahabad University, Allahabad. 16-19 December 2012. Paper: Using Proverbs as a resource  for Skills  development in  Multilingual Classrooms.

66. Regional Seminar on English Language Education in Recent Times. GNITS, Shaikhpet,  Hyderabad . 2-3 March 2013.

67.International Teacher Educators Conference on English Language Teacher Education in a Diverse Environment.  16-18 March 2013. Hyderabad. Paper:  “Towards  Multilingual Methods and Materials.”

68. International Conference on  Liberating Learning. Gujurat Vidyapeeth. Ahmedabad. 7-9 June 2013. Paper: “ Indigenizing ELE Materialss.”

69. 8thInternational and 44th Annual ELTAI Conference on 21st Century Learners’-Learning Styles and Stragegies.SRM University.18-20th July 2013.
Workshop: “From Mother tongue to Many Tongues: English Language Education in Multilingual Contexts.”

70. 2- Day Workshop on “Joining the Conversation: Writing for International Publications” 14-15th September, 2013. GNITS. Hyderabad.

71. Celebratory Colloquium in ELT. EFL University, Hyderabad 19 November 2013.

72. XIX International Conference on Translation. Dept. of Mysore and Forum on Contemporary Theory. 15-18 December 2013.

73. International Conference of Dalit Literature and Historiography. Dept. of English Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi. 19-21 December 2013.

74. National Seminar on Making the English Classroom More Inclusive. Dept. of English, Nizam’s College, Hyderabad. 06-07 January 2014.

Paper: “ Blending the Oral with the Digital: Using Technology as a Pre-reading strategy for the Junanga (Tribal) Learners to Teach English”   (with Harichandan Kar )

75.  International Teachers Educators Conference on Innovation in English Language Education. Convention Centre, Navotel , Hyderabad 500007. February 21 to 23 , 2014.

77. “From an Unlettered Audience to a Literate Learners: Translating Tribal Folktales” Panel Discussion. International Conference of Tribes in Transition. Santiniketan 12-13 March 2014.

78. “ A Translator’s Dilemma: Translating Tribal Folktales.”  3 Day National Seminar on Translating Oral/Folk Texts from Indian Languages into English” EFL University, Hyderabad-500007.24-26 March 2014.

79. A Symposium on ELT Research in India. EFL University,  Hyderabad-500007. 11 September 2014.

80. Two-Day Need Based Course  in Study Skills. District Centre for English, Jajpur, Odisha 1-3 November 2014.

81. International Seminar on “Which Way The Human Rights?: Treatment of Children, Women , and Old People in Indian English and American Literatures.” 17-19 December, 2014.

Paper:  “Fact. Fiction and Reality of Children’s Plight: A Study of Mulk Raj Anand’s Coolie.” International  Seminar on Which Way the Human Rights?: Treatment of Children, Women and Old People in Indian English and American Literatures.” December 17-19, 2014, OUCIP, Hyderabad.

82. XVII International Conference on Re-Imagining Theory: Towards New Horizons in the Humanities and the Social Sciences. 21-24 December 2014. International Centre, Goa.
Paper: “ Vygotsky’s Theories of Learning g and Their Application in English Language  Education.”

83.Fifth International Teacher Educator Conference 2015: Ensuring Quality in English Language Education . Hyderabad, India. 27 February-01 Marh 2015. Paper: “The Stories of Success: Learning Strategies Used by High Achievers.”

84. Two Day National Seminar on Tribal Narratives.27-28 March 2015. Dept. of English. Central University Central University of Karnataka. Kalaburagi (Gulbarga). Paper: “ Performing Rituals, Performing Identity: The Karma Festival of the Binjhals.”

85.International Conference on English Language and Literature: Readings and Reflections. Dept. of English, GITAM University, Hyderabad. 7-8 August 2015.
Chaired a Session on Technology and English language Education

86. “English in Multilingual Contexts” A Talk Azim Premji University, Bengaluru. 8 October 2015. Invited lecture.

87. “Folk Traditions of India.” ITP-51. EFLU, Hyderabad. 30 October 2015. Invited  lecture.

88. “Law, Legacy and Hegemony: The Plight of the Denotified Criminal Tribes” International Seminar on The Enigma of Law” EFL University, Hyderabad. 2-4 November 2015.

89.  11 International Conference on Language and Development.  18-20 November. Hotel The lalit . New Delhi. Paper:” Contextualizing English Language Education”.

90. International Conference on Words Words Words: The Future of Literary Writing. 25-27. Dept. of       English Literature, EFLU, Hyderabad.
     Chaired:  Plenary  session –Words or World: Literary Writing  in the Era of Globalization. Azim      Siddiqui. Creative Writing and the Classroom.

91. XVIII International Conference on the Wider Significance of Nature. Forum  on Contemporary Theory and Revenshaw University, Cuttack , Odisha. 20-23 December 2015.
Paper: “Nature, Poetics and Pedagogy: A Study of Rabindranath Tagore’s Writings.”

92. Two Day international Seminar on Literature, Border and Identity. Dept. of English and OMEL, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan 29February and 1 March , 2016.
Paper:” Modernity, Identity and (Dis)Integration: A Study of Gopinath Mohanty’s Fiction on the Tribals.”

93. Five Day Workshop on Continuing Professional Development for English Language Teachers.
School of English Language Education 1-5 February 2016. 

94. "Gopinath Mohanty’s Fiction on the Tribals.” Talk delivered in the Department of Comparative Literature, EFLU. 09 March, 2016. 

95. National Conference on Epic in India. Centre for Comparative Literature. University of Hyderabad. 24th to 26th August, 2016. 
 Paper: "Localizing the Epic: Integration of the Folk as a Device in Sarala's Mahabharata."

96. XIX  International Conference on  Materialities: Objects, Matter, Things, Doon University, Dehra Dun.18-21 December 2016. Paper:” Spiritual and the Material: Insights from Sarala’s Mahabharata."

97.  National  Seminar on Tribes in Transition. Dept. of English. Jamia Milia University. New Delhi. 27-28 February 2017.
Paper: “Issue in Translating Oral Traditions.”

98.  A Course in Research Methodology and Thesis Writing.  NIT, Kurukshetra. 11-12 March 2017.
Presentation: “ Writing  and Publishing a Research paper.”

99. National Seminar on Translation in Multilingual India. Dept. of English Osmania University, Hyderabad.  20 March 2017.

Paper: "Translation for Human Understanding: Importance of Translation of Tribal Narratives." 

100.  National Seminar on Translating Cultures. Dept of English. Osmania University, Hyderabad. 21 March, 2017. 

101. National Conference on Comparative Humanities: Re-Configuring Humanities Across Culture. Organised by Dept. of Comparative Literature and India Studies. EFL University, Hyderabad. 5th-7th April, 2017.  

102. Two Day Workshop on Research Method and Academic Writing. OP Jindal Global University, Sonepat. 28-29 July 2017.  Session: “Writing a Research Paper.”

103. XX International Conference of  Forum on Contemporary Theory on The Humanities across Cultures 17-20 December 2017.  Mayfair Palm Beach Resort, Gopalpur on Sea, Odisha.
Paper: Lo(k)calizing  the Humanities Syllabi: Integrating the Folk"

104. International Conference on Indian Literature as  World Literature: Past, Present and Future. Dept. of  Indian and World Literature. EFL University, Hyderabad. 18-20 January 2018.
Chaired a Session

105.International Conference on  Modernity and Tradition in Epic Narrative: Recasting of the Mahabharata in Medieval and Modern Indian Literature . Gandhi Nagar. April 15-16, 2018.
Paper: “ Localizing the Epic: The Case of Sarala Mahabharata.'

106. International  Conference on Revising Cosmopolitanism 18-21 December 2018. Hotel Chariot, Puri.
Paper: "Tagore's  The Home and the World Dichotomy:Reading Tagore's The Home and the World (1919) as a Site of Cosmopolitanism."

107. Lecture in  Refresher Course. HRD Centre, University of  Hyderabad. 24 December 2018.
Topic: Teaching Language through Literature."

108. Refresher Course in English. HRDC,  University of Hyderabad.  24 December 2018.
Topic:  “ Teaching language through Literature.”

109. Refresher Course in English. HRDC, Sambalpur University 24 January 2019.
Topic:  “ Understanding Representation”

110.  Refresher Course in English HRDC, Sambalpur University 24 January 2019.
Topic: “ Understanding Racial Stereotypes”

111. Refresher Course in English, HRDC, Sambalpur university, 25 January 2019
Topic:  “Racial Relationship in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”

112.  Refresher Course in English, HRDC, Sambalpur University 25 January 2019
Topic: “ Representation of Race in  Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.”

113. One Day national Seminar on Science, Society and Spirituality: Emerging Perspectives GITAM university, 5 February 2019. Delivered Key Note Address:
Topic: Spirituality in Education: A Scientific Perspective

114.  International Workshop-cum-Conference on Creativity in Writing.  EFL University, Hyderabad-500007 9-14 December 2019.

115. XXII International  Conference on Global South Cultural Production and Dialogue.”  Forum on Contemporary Theory,  Baroda. Hotel Minerva Grand, Hyderabad, 19-21 2019.

Paper:  The Moving Story: A Study of Abhimanyu Anat’s  Lal Pasina.

116.  International Conference on Multilingual Education organized by EFLU and British Council. EFL University,  Hyderabad. 10-12 February 2020.

117.  National Webinar Series in ELT. Organized by Dept. Of English,  Hindustan University, Chennai  in association  ELTAI, Kancheepuram, Chennai  on12 May 2020.  Invited Speech. “ Using Traditional Stories in English Language Education.”

118.  International  Webinar  on “the Saga of  Native American Indian  Resistance through the Prism of  Literature” organized by   Central university of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala. 7-9 July 2020. Invited Speech: “ T(w)o Path Finders: James Fenimore Cooper and Gopinath Mohanty.”

119.  Webinar Talk  organized  by Episteme: Forum  for  Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. Gorakhpur. Invited talk on “The Role of Traditional Stories in ELT”  29 September 2020.

120. International  e-Conference on Migration, Diaspora and Sustainable Development: Perspectives Policies, Opportunities and Challenges. IGNOU. 3-5 November 2020.

Paper:  A  Immigrant’s Journey Towards Excellence:  A Study of Kenneth K. Lalla’s “ I am a Dream for my Village.”

121. National Webinar in Current Approaches in ELT organized by St. Francis College for Women, Secunderabad on 6th November 2020.  Invited Talk on “ Designing Courses, Materials and Tasks.”

122.UGC Refresher Course in ELT organized by JNTU, Hyderabad. Talk “ Integrating Cultural Content into ELT”  13.11.2020

123. UGC Refresher Course in ELT organized by JNTU, Hyderabad. Talk “ Using Parallel Text in the Language Classroom.” 16.11.2020.

124. UGC Refresher Course in ELT organized by JNTU, Hyderabad. Talk: “Teaching Language through Literature.”

125. XVII Annual conference of Rajasthan Association for Studies in English 28-29 November 2020.

Chaired a Session of Plenary Talk by Professor Deepa Chakravarty.